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Arthritis is not just one disease but a class of diseases affecting the joints and connective tissue of the body. There are more than 100 different diseases that are classified as arthritis, causing pain, swelling and hindered movements in the joints and connective tissue. In the United States, it is estimated that nearly 43 million people--15 percent of the population--have some form of arthritis.

The best-known type is osteoarthritis (OA), affecting nearly 80 percent of people over 50. In this form of the disease, chondrocytes, which normally produce flexible cartilage, are replaced by osteoblasts, which produce hard bone. The causes of OA are unknown, but its symptoms include joint pain, stiffness or swelling.

Other types of arthritis are actually autoimmune diseases, in which the body turns against its own tissues for an unknown reason. Inflammatory arthritic syndromes (i.e., fibromyalgia), systemic rheumatic diseases (i.e., lupus), and metabolic bone and joint diseases (i.e., gout) are all types of arthritis. However, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the overall second most common form of arthritis. This lifelong disease occurs in about 3 percent of the adult U.S. population, as well as in nearly 300,000 children with juvenile RA. RA is three times more likely to develop in women than men. In RA, the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, causing inflammation and pain. It most often attacks the joints symmetrically; RA's characteristic chronic inflammation causes deterioration of the joint, pain, limited movement and even deformity.

Conventional treatment for arthritis is fairly standard across types. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, are used to relieve swelling, while painkillers, including acetaminophen or aspirin, are prescribed to relieve pain. The autoimmune varieties of arthritis are being treated with stronger drugs, such as those used in chemotherapy, that suppress the immune response. They carry serious side effects, including blood abnormalities, kidney damage or vision damage.

Because conventional treatments for arthritis do not actually stop the progression of the disease and carry such serious side effects, nutritional therapy is commonly advised. One such therapy being researched for its ability to improve mobility and flexibility is collagen. Both bovine and chicken collagens have been studied for their ability to work with the immune system to promote joint health. InterHealth Nutraceuticals recently introduced UC-II¢â, a whole, undenatured type II chicken collagen ingredient. Biochemically, there are five types of collagen, but type II is the principal structural protein in joint cartilage.

According to David Trentham, M.D., RA results from T cells reacting to an antigen within the joint. Because current therapy is immunosuppressive, the immune system cannot react to other health hazards. Trentham explained that giving patients a low dose of the antigen over time could help patients develop peripheral tolerance or disease suppression. Through a series of immunological events, patches of lymphoid tissue in the small intestine that are exposed to type II collagen turn off the immune response that may impact the type II collagen present in joint cartilage. This process is referred to as oral tolerization.

Trentham and others have conducted several human clinical studies on undenatured type II collagen and its effect on RA. In one study, six of ten RA patients taking undenatured type II collagen for three months showed substantial improvement after supplementation.1 A follow-up, 90-day, double blind, placebo-controlled study on patients with severe RA found that 28 patients showed significant improvement. Other studies have shown similar results for patients with juvenile RA and early RA.2,3 In the most recent study, Trentham found that following treatment with undenatured type II collagen, 21 of 54 RA patients (39 percent) demonstrated significant improvement, while only 11 of 57 patients (19 percent) taking placebo showed improvement.4

While the studies have focused on RA, Trentham said the results might be applied to OA, which is often caused by an underlying immune disorder. According to Trentham, the inflammation and swelling in OA is often caused by the same T-cell mediated pathogenesis seen in RA inflammation.

Other types of collagen are available on the market; however, Trentham stated that "type II collagen must be in its native, or undenatured, form to be effective." Native type II collagen has a triple helix molecular structure, whereas denatured or hydrolyzed type II collagen is typically subjected to chemical or heat processing, which may change the collagen's structure and ability to impact the autoimmune response. Undenatured type II collagen contains epitopes (binding sites on undenatured collagen molecules), which are necessary for conferring oral tolerance; epitopes are destroyed during heat or chemical processing.

UC-II is protected under several U.S. patents (Nos. 5,645,581; 5,637,321; 5,529,786; and 5,750,144). The patents cover the preparation of animal tissue for use in alleviating the symptoms of autoimmune arthritis in mammals, as well as the process and product for treatment of RA. InterHealth also has several worldwide patents pending.

1. Trentham D et al. "Effects of Oral Administration of Type II Collagen on Rheumatoid Arthritis." Science. 261:1727-1731, 1993.

2. Barnett et al. "A Pilot Trial of Oral Type II Collagen in the Treatment of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis." Arthritis Rheum. 39:623-625, 1996.

3. Sieper et al. "Oral Type II Collagen Treatment in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis." Arthritis Rheum. 39:41-44, 1996.

4. Barnett et al. "Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Oral Type II Collagen." Arthritis Rheum. 141:290-295, 1998.

@@@Dear Health-Conscious Reader,

If you take the elevator instead of the stairs, or avoid long walks, sports, or other physical activities because of pain, I have some very good news for you . . .

Recently, I uncovered a new, all-natural solution for all my patients and readers who suffer from chronic – and sometimes even debilitating – joint discomfort. This new, all-natural solution provides the most comprehensive joint relief yet, for less discomfort and more mobility in your knees, shoulders, hips, elbows, hands and back. So, you can be more active and enjoy the freedom of doing your everyday activities without joint discomfort.

The Aging of Our Joints is NOT Inevitable

Most patients who come to see me for issues with their joints seem resigned to the idea that what they are experiencing is just an inevitable part of aging. "Dr. Connealy," they say, "I guess I'm just at that age where my joints are wearing out." What's more, they assume that reducing their activity level and popping over-the-counter or prescription remedies are their only recourse against the soreness and stiffness they are experiencing.

But they are wrong!

Often, my patients are shocked when I tell them that a life of declining mobility and discomfort is absolutely not a foregone conclusion as we head into our later years. Like most issues with our health, when it comes to our joints, we can take action and reverse the damage we've done, to improve joint health.

Why Do Our Joints Hurt

As we age, harmful enzymes can build up in our joints. These enzymes break down the cartilage in the joint, which is the cushion between the bones. This degenerative process causes friction in the joint because the bones are literally rubbing up against one another, which leads to pain and decreased mobility. To add insult to injury, your joints actually
lose the natural ability to rebuild themselves as you age. The cartilage breakdown in the joints also causes the joints to become swollen. This inflammation contributes even more to joint discomfort.

Over time, these factors can make even the simplest of activities, such as picking up objects, opening a jar, getting out of a chair, or walking up stairs anywhere from difficult to nearly impossible.

Believe me, I know. I'm on my feet all day at the clinic and recently I have experienced chronic pain in my knee (I'll share my own story about my knee injury and what I am doing about it in a minute). And because the popular over-the-counter remedies for joints cause unwanted side effects, finding relief that is safe and natural has become a very important personal mission.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Are Incomplete Solutions

In addition to the side effects, my main problem with most joint remedies — both natural solutions and over-the-counter solutions — is that they only focus on pain relief. That addresses only half the problem. You must also rebuild your joint cartilage in order to have genuine, long-lasting relief.

I've had many of my patients try the old standards of natural joint support — glucosamine and chondroitin. These nutrients are probably the most widely used natural remedies for joint concerns and they can provide some level of relief for many folks.

But glucosoamine and chondroitin don't always provide the amount of relief my patients need. And for some patients,
glucosamine and chondroitin fail to work at all.

A Better Solution I Recently Discovered

Because of the shortcomings of the typical natural solutions for joint issues, I was so happy to discover two powerful nutrients for promoting joint health — each backed by scientific research and showing an impressive track record of effective results for patients.

In fact, I was so impressed with the ability of these two nutrients to target each and every one of the root causes of joint problems — discomfort, inflammation and cartilage breakdown — that I started taking each of them myself (with terrific results that I will share with you in a minute) and subsequently decided to combine them both into one unique supplement.

It's called Joint Renewal, and it's only available to my patients and readers through Newport Natural Health.

Joint Renewal pairs up a novel blend of two nutrients:

  • A scientifically advanced form of an ancient Ayurvedic spice I've written a lot about in my Newport Natural Health Letter because of its ability to promote a healthy inflammatory response
  • A natural collagen extract, which is an ingredient naturally found in joint cartilage.

These two nutrients work together to break the destructive cycle of cartilage breakdown and put out the fires of inflammation, which are at the root of your joint problems.

The result is a significant reduction in discomfort and stiffness in your joints, so you can get back to doing the things you love to do. 

Say Goodbye to Joint Discomfort

First and foremost, Joint Renewal provides the relief you've been searching for. The effectiveness of this breakthrough joint supplement comes from the combination of the two most advanced ingredients available for supporting your joint health: ingredients that truly set a new and much higher standard for nutritional supplements because of their superior absorbability. In addition, they are provided at dosage levels that are proven to be effective in human clinical trials*.

Ingredient #1 Controls Inflammation and Eases Discomfort

The first ingredient in Joint Renewal is a special form of curcumin, Meriva¢ç Phytosome. If you have been reading my Newport Natural Health Letter, you know that I often recommend curcumin, the Ayurvedic spice from India that has special antioxidant and inflammation-balancing properties. I have been very impressed with Meriva, a proprietary form of curcumin, because clinical trials show that it can:

  • Decrease joint discomfort and stiffness
  • Improve joint mobility and function, including walking distance
  • Deliver powerful antioxidants that protect your joints from oxidative stress

The reason Meriva has achieved such remarkable results* is that this form of curcumin is 29 times more easily absorbed by your body than the typical curcumin found in supplements. Its powerful absorption rate is due to a special manufacturing process that takes curcumin and binds it to phosphatidylcholine, a well-absorbed component of human cells.

So when you take Meriva, your body readily absorbs the phosphatidylcholine and the curcumin attached to it, resulting in a far greater amount of curcumin actually reaching your individual cells — particularly those cells in your joints. Once in the joint, curcumin is able to reduce joint discomfort by significantly reducing inflammation*. And when the inflammation and discomfort are reduced, your joints become more flexible and mobile, which means you can get back to a more active lifestyle.

I included a full 1,000 mg of Meriva in Joint Renewal. Research studies show that this amount provides the greatest benefit in balancing your body's inflammatory response.

Ingredient #2 Rebuilds Your Cartilage

As we discussed earlier, reducing discomfort is only half the battle when it comes to joint problems. Unless you can actually help your joints heal by eliminating the harmful enzymes that build up over time, you cannot achieve long-lasting joint health.

That's why I'm excited about the second ingredient that makes Joint Renewal so effective. It's a breakthrough collagen extract that helps to actually replenish the cartilage in your joints.

This nutrient, called UC-II¢ç, helps rebuild the cushioning in your joints by actually attacking the root of the problem — it blocks the harmful enzymes that destroy the cartilage to begin with. In other words, it plugs the holes in the leaky bucket we discussed earlier.

When these destructive enzymes are no longer able to wreak havoc in your joints, your body is able to rebuild joint cartilage like it once did. And once the bones in your joints have more cushioning between them once again, you will experience less pain and improved mobility.

UC-II is highly effective in part because it is undenatured, meaning that it has undergone a patented low-heat, nonenzymatic manufacturing process. This process ensures that UC-II type II collagen is as biologically active as possible, so it works harder to get your joints back to the way they used to be.

When UC-II was tested against glucosamine and chondroitin, it was proven to have twice the power of glucosamine and chondroitin to reduce joint discomfort.

Subjects taking UC-II experienced significantly less discomfort when performing activities such as walking on a flat surface, climbing up and down stairs, and doing heavy-duty household chores*.

My Own Battle with Joint Issues

I mentioned earlier that recently I have been struggling with knee problems of my own. Over a year ago I had the unfortunate "luck" of tearing my ACL ligament and damaging the meniscus cartilage in my knee.

While the surgery was a success and my surgeon believes I've made a full recovery, I began to experience pain during my daily exercise routine, which entails climbing a large set of steps several times each morning that lead down to the beach near my home in California.

I do 1,000 steps a day during this routine. I was told by my doctor that the pain I was experiencing
was, you guessed it, a "normal part of aging."

Well, it was this journey that started me down the path to creating Joint Renewal. I reviewed all of the impressive research on UC-II and started taking it myself along with the curcumin supplement I was already taking. Let me tell you, within a week or so, it started to do the trick! I even put my husband, who is a runner, on it. He raves about how great he feels.

Take a Look at All of the Benefits You'll Get from a Daily Dosage of Joint Renewal

When you combine these two advanced joint-supporting nutrients together, you get Joint Renewal, an all-natural breakthrough that provides comprehensive joint support.

Just two capsules a day of Joint Renewal*:

  • Help alleviate everyday joint aches and discomfort
  • Help improve joint mobility, flexibility, and function
  • Give you twice the power of glucosamine and chondroitin to reduce joint discomfort
  • Promote healthy physical function
  • Help promote a normal inflammatory response
  • Allow the body to rebuild joint cartilage

Begin Your Own Trial Right Now

Joint Renewal often shows noticeable results in joint discomfort within a week. However, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is joint cartilage. So I tell my patients that it can take a few months for the ingredients in Joint Renewal to repair cartilage.

To get the full effect as quickly as possible, I urge you to start right now. Take advantage of Newport Natural Health's special trial offer and buy a 2-month supply. (Just click here and follow the simple instructions.)

And remember, if ever you're not completely satisfied with any purchase, just return it and we'll credit every penny you paid, less shipping and handling. You have my word on it.

The Relief You're Looking for is Here!

Life is too short to spend it on the sidelines and too long to spend it in agony.

I believe Joint Renewal is truly the next generation in joint support, leaving far behind both medical solutions and traditional nutritional supplements for joint concerns. Its advanced ingredients work on two fronts: relieving your joint discomfort and helping rebuild cartilage. So you'll have the comfort, flexibility, and mobility to get back to the life and activities you love.

We hope you'll take advantage of these special savings and give your heart the extra-strength protection it needs to keep you going and doing the things you love to do.

I certainly hope you will take advantage of our special 2-bottle trial offer. Don't wait another day.

Thrive in Health and Wellness,


### DiComViewer http://www.rubomedical.com/download/index.html

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