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###L-Arginine: The Miracle Molecule
Interview with Dr. Alexander Schauss
Interviewed by Raena Morgan

Raena Morgan: Dr. Schauss, what is L-arginine

Dr. Alexander Schauss: L-arginine is a fascinating conditional amino acid and it¡¯s called conditional because unlike other amino acids, which are either essential or non-essential, this one depends on what your health is. Your kidney can only produce so much L-arginine at a time and this is because there is a rate-limiting amino acid called L-citrulline and L-citrulline converts into L-arginine and that L-arginine can only produce so fast. What then happens is that if you have, for example, a burn or an infection or some severe injury, suddenly your body can¡¯t produce enough of the L-arginine from L-citrulline so we¡¯re very dependent on the diet for L-arginine. The problem is that a lot of people don¡¯t eat the right foods or they don¡¯t eat the right combination of particular foods that are rich in L-arginine. And as a result, they¡¯re still short of L-arginine and this is where L-arginine supplementation becomes very, very important.

RM: What is its role in the body

AS: Oh my goodness, there are so many things when you think about L-arginine. You know, back in 1992, Science magazine, which is considered the premier scientific journal in the world¡¦it¡¯s published by the American Association for Scientists and this particular publication declared L-arginine as the miracle molecule, or the ¡°molecule of the year.¡± And the reason why¡¦there was a lot of research unraveling at the time by researchers at University of Texas, at State University of New York and at UCLA, the University of California Los Angeles that was starting to show that L-arginine was absolutely essential for cardiovascular function, that it actually was a gas, not a chemical compound as we normally think, that circulated throughout the body and actually increased the body¡¯s ability to respond to repairing tissue. It sort of made everything happen faster. Just think of trying to get a tow truck to the site of a car accident and the quicker the infrastructure can get that tow truck there directly, the easier it is to get that car out of there, get it to a garage and get it repaired. Well L-arginine was doing basically that. It was stimulating the body¡¯s ability to move molecules. And it was doing it through something called signaling. And this was the great breakthrough that these doctors figured out that this gas was actually sending signals between different cells and those cells were now responding in the way they were supposed to whether they were in the immune system or to repair damage, like for example to replace damaged cells with new cells that were not damaged. And as a result, in 1998 all three of these doctors, these professors won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. From that moment on, the excitement that was related to L-arginine and nitric oxide really began to become very, very serious and at that point a lot of companies started to figure out, ¡°how can we increase nitric oxide from L-arginine because that¡¯s the gas we want to increase to facilitate normal healing in the human body.¡±

RM: So the benefit to the body would be healing

AS: Well that¡¯s one of many, many¡¦when we get into L-arginine we could literally talk about it, I think, for an entire day. So we¡¯ll try to do it in sort of a summary fashion. I think one of the highlights of L-arginine is its ability to get rid of a waste product called ammonia. Ammonia is toxic in the human body. We release nitrogen all the time because we¡¯re creating tissue and we¡¯re breaking down tissue. When you break down tissue, you release nitrogen. And that nitrogen is combined with hydrogen and they form a compound that¡¯s known as ammonia, which our body has to get rid of on a regular basis. L-arginine helps get rid of that waste product, so that¡¯s a very important function for L-arginine. Without it, we would become toxic and eventually it would lead to death. So let¡¯s just say we need that L-arginine. It¡¯s really, really important.

Another thing it does¡¦it helps the body make three other amino acids: creatine, L-proline and L-glutamate. These also are very, very important for the body. When we think of creatine, what we think about is its ability to provide muscle energy. So it¡¯s important to the muscles and also to the nervous system. That¡¯s one important thing. L-proline is important for wound healing but also, interestingly, for the synthesis of collagen. We think a lot about collagen. For example, you hear doctors say things like, ¡°if we can increase the amount of collagen in your wrinkles, the wrinkles would disappear.¡± Well, there¡¯s another role for L-arginine that helps synthesize the very collagen that we need whether it¡¯s for our hair, for our joints, for our skin, so it plays that role as well. L-glutamine is called an excitatory amino acid¡¦excitatory neurotransmitter. So it¡¯s very involved in energy metabolism and providing support for particular brain function where you have cognitive events occurring, which is a lot of the left hemisphere of the brain thing and things like trying to figure out languages, logic, reasoning. Things like computational skills, scientific inquiries, all these cognitive things that we need when we go to school and do well on tests, and also for learning and memory. So those are real important functions.

One of the other fascinating things about L-arginine is its ability to stimulate human growth hormone and also another hormone called prolactin. Prolactin and human growth hormone are really, really important and we¡¯re beginning to suspect that the ability to increase human growth hormone has a role in supporting aging and in helping to support longevity in humans. So, as you¡¯re beginning to see with all the different things that L-arginine does, it¡¯s like incredibly vital to human health.

RM: It has an extensive role.

AS: Yes, an extensive role. One of the other things that I find fascinating as well because part of our life as adults has to do also with sexual responsiveness and sexual function. There¡¯s been a lot of research done on L-arginine in this area because one of the things that we understand now about L-arginine is it increases the production and supports the production of nitric oxide, which by the way is technically nothing more than nitrogen and oxygen. So it¡¯s nitrogen oxide, we call it nitric oxide or NO. NO looks like the word ¡°no¡± so sometimes it¡¯s not the preferred way to see it in writing, but nitric oxide really has an amazing role in dilating micro vessels or what we call vasodilatation. When this occurs in the sexual genital regions, what¡¯s really occurring is we¡¯re grabbing a nitrogen from L-arginine¡¦this is a nitrogen atom¡¦and then we¡¯re taking an oxygen atom, which is also circulating in the blood. Of course we¡¯re carrying oxygen all the time. Combining the two creates nitric oxide and when nitric oxide is available this allows the area that is involved in sexual arousal or sexual stimulation to suddenly increase because it¡¯s just relaxed. And suddenly there¡¯s a tremendous blood flow that increases. This affects the vagina, the clitoris the penis. All these areas can get very stimulated. That is one of the reasons why L-arginine has been associated with improved sexual responsiveness, both for men and women, unlike erectile dysfunction drugs, which are out there primarily for men. This is something that both genders benefit from.

RM: Well that's good news. Thank you very much.


###The Greatest Miracle Health Supplement of all Time!
"ProArgi9 Plus" the greatest miracle health supplement of all time-This product made of the amino acid L-Arginine and many other powerful cardiovascular repairing ingredients. Below are many issues that L'arginine has been known to help and aid in the repair of the cardiovascular system. L'arginine by itself is not nearly as effective as a supplement that has other nutriceuticals, such as L'citruline, Red wine extract, vitamin D3, etc. These are the known benefits of L'arginine as a supplement.

1.High blood pressure or Hypertension- 29% of the adult population or 43 million Americans have this disease. There are many health reasons for hypertension, but the most prevalent is cardiovascular disease. According to the PHD Nobel Laureate Dr. Louis Ignarro, his book "No More cardiovascular Disease" says that high blood is a cardiovascular disease and that Nitric oxide will reverse both arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. L'arginine is the amino acid that is responsible for Nitric acid production in the body.
2.Atherosclerosis- plaque, fatty acid and calcium build up in the arteries is removed by Nitric Oxide produced by L'arginine.
3.Arteriosclerosis- Hardening of the arteries is reversed to flexible healthy arteries by Nitric oxide.
4.Coronary artery disease- This disease is reversed with an L'arginine supplementation. Both the heart and arteries can be reversed to the age of a 15 year old.
5.Diabetes- all of the disease ravages to the body may be reversed or stopped with an L'arginine supplementation.
6.Cardiovascular disease- this disease may be reversed again by an L'arginine supplement. The Nobel Prize was given for this medical miracle breakthrough. Yes, the amino acid L-arginine was the precursor for Nitric Oxide.
7.Heart disease- the heart may be returned to a strong young heart by L'arginine and other nutriceutical supplementation.
8.Stroke- this disease is like a heart attack for the brain and may be eliminated by cleaning out the blood vessels in the brain, which is accomplished by L'arginine. Dr Joseph Prendergast was awarded the "Father of the Year" by the American Diabetes Association for not having 1 stroke in 17 years with L'arginine and other Nutriceuticals found in Proargi9 plus.
9.Cancer- This disease may be stopped with large amounts of L'arginine and vitamin D3 sprays. And at that point if the immune system is strong the body cleans out the cancer
10.Anti-aging- The cleaning of the arterial system and the HGH production reverses aging by 20 years through L'arginine supplementation.
11.Sexual impotence is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance, this condition is helped by L'arginine supplementation with other nutriceuticals that are found in Proargi9 plus.
12.Macular degeneration (A gradual loss of the central part of the field of vision usually affecting both eyes that occurs especially in the elderly)this disease has been known to be reversed by an L'arginine supplementation.
13.Prostate Cancer- The vitamin D3 in large doses and the L-arginine, which are principal ingredients in Proargi9 plus, have been known to work synergistically to stop or slow the cancer's growth.
14.Enhances memory and may reverse dementia and Alzheimer's disease ( This process of cleaning all the frontal lobe vessels is what reverses dementia)
15.L'arginine mixed with vitamin D3 spray and other Nurticeuticals may inhibit the division and proliferation of cancer cells (This process allows the body time to clean out the cancer cells under it's normal process)
16.Improves immune function (This is what keeps us from getting sick from flu and colds)
17.Dementia -L'arginine cleans out the frontal lobe vessels where memory is stored and may help to reverse effects of dementia and Alzheimer's disease
18.Strength training- L'arginine boosts lean muscle mass and preserves bone density by encouraging HGH production
19.Wound Healing- L'arginine helps to accelerate wound healing and post-surgery recovery. Helps in treating burn wounds especially in the elderly
20.Ulcers-L'arginine reduces stress related ulcers without affecting gastric acid production
21.Depression-L'arginine energizes the body and lifts the sluggishness of the body which is associated with depression
22.Metabolism improvement- L'arginine helps the body to burn more energy naturally and therefore your fat burns off naturally, the results "natural weight loss"
23.Weight control-ProArgi9 improves energy and increases metabolism
24.Bone Cancer-ProArgi9 helps prevent bone cancer, again through L-arginine and Vitamin D
25.Heart burn and reflux eliminated with Proargi9
26.Viagra Effect- ProArgi9 with L'arginine effects the sexual response the same way as Viagra, but without the side effects(such as stopping the production of Nitric Oxide which is the principal cause of cardiovascular disease)
27.Migraine headaches- This problem can be eliminated with L'arginine and vitamin D3 spray
28.Restless Leg Syndrome- Many people who supplement with L'arginine are helped with the disease
29.Hemorrhoids-relaxes hypertonic sphincter muscles preventing and healing hemorrhoids
30.Neuropathy (loss of feeling in your limbs due to a degenerative state of the nervous system), again L'arginine brings back feeling in the extremities.
31.Tobacco use help-L'arginine can offset cardiovascular and lung damage caused by tobacco use (helps users fight off the ravages of smoking) Twenty percent of the USA population still smoke, only 11% in Utah
32.Osteoporosis- L'arginine may prevent and possible reverse effects of osteoporosis
33.Boosts lean muscle mass and preserves bone density (This process will allow the body to reduce its fat and you can often return to normal weight naturally), again L'arginine is responsible for this miracle
34.It helps with cholesterol control by lowering triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels
35.It enhances male sexual performance. L'arginine an amino acid feeds the inner wall of the cardiovascular system so that it can make Nitric Oxide the product that causes the penis to enlarge normally.
36.It Improves the function of the prostate which keep it normal and stays the cancer growth process
37.Urination problems,L'arginine helps urination problems
38.Athletic Performance-Proargi9 with L'arginine enhances athletic performance due to its ability to boost exercise tolerance, its beneficial effect on the lungs, and its effect on HGH levels, which helps with building lean muscle tissue.
39.Energy improvement - L'arginine builds Human Growth Hormone levels, improves blood flow to the heart which produces the oxygen for improved energy & performance
40.Alzheimer's Disease- Slows the progression of Alzheimer' disease
41.Boost human growth hormone (HGH) production ( This is the anti-aging part of L'arginine miracle)
42.Hypercholesterolemia (High cholesterol) is the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood [4]. It is not a disease but a metabolic derangement that can be secondary to many diseases and can contribute to many forms of disease, most notably cardiovascular disease.
43.Restenosis [reoccurrence of stenosis (a narrowing or constriction of the diameter of a bodily passage or orifice) in the blood vessel or heart valve after it has been treated with apparent success]
44.Arterial-Fibrillation (A Fib) -This is when the heart is beating out of rhythm, L'arginine has been known to repair this problem
45.Stress-L'arginine helps reduce the effects of stress
46.Diverticular disease or Diverticulosis- About 10% of the US population over the age of 40 and half over the age of 60 has diverticulosis. It is the condition of having diverticula in the colon , which are outpocketings and again L'arginine may repair this disease.
47.L'arginine with vitamin D3 spray improves renal function and slows the progression of renal disease (Common clinical presentations include the nephritic and nephrotic syndromes, acute kidney failure, chronic kidney disease, urinary tract infection, nephrolithiasis, and urinary tract obstruction.)
48.Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a blanket term for a variety of diseases causing discomfort in the gastro-intestinal tract.( such as; Crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, Colitis, constipation), again L'arginine may be a treatment for these diseases
49.DHEA Helps the body manufacture DHEA for anti-aging and many other benefits especially performance in athletes.L'arginine helps the body manufacture DHEA.
50.Menopause problems - symptoms substantially reduced by L'arginine supplementation
51.Nitric Oxide- L-arginine Produces Nitric Oxide. The Nobel prize for medicine in 1998 was awarded for this medical breakthrough
52.L-arginine- proven to help the body produce Nitric Oxide, which cleans out the 80,000 miles of arteries. The Nobel prize for medicine was awarded to 3 scientists in 1998 for this scientific breakthrough.
53.Respiratory- L'arginine helps protect lungs and improve healing from smoke damage, Helps protect the heart muscle by stimulating myocardial cell growth and performance
54.Bone growth function- L'arginine and vitamin D3 help bones grow normally especially in children
55.Cartilage- From L'arginine the human growth hormone is manufactured and it may improve cartilage repair
56.Glandular or Glands- L'arginine is beneficial to the Pancreas and the production of insulin, and to the thyroid which produces Nitric Oxide
57.Pancreas-L'argine may help the pancreas produce insulin
58.Thyroid-L'arginine may help the thyroid in the production of Nitric Oxide

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