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###"Branched Chain Amino Acids Help Fight Off Every Day Reason For Weight Gain"

It has been known for many years now that you need enough of all eight essential amino acids to be able to produce quality lean muscle, which speeds up your metabolism.
Research is now indicating that the branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) isoleucine, leucine and valine are the most important and main drivers of new muscle growth.  BCAAs are absolutely necessary as the building blocks for new muscle growth and repair, but they also provide energy to the muscles. 

These 3 amino acids also help your body burn fat, improve your recovery and reduce your muscle soreness. 
What was once just thought of as a muscle building supplement is now a vital tool for those that want to lose weight and build new lean muscle at the same time.  This isn¡¯t just for bodybuilders.  BCAAs are for any man or women looking to get in better shape and lose weight.

Here are a few reasons why Branched Chain Amino Acids can help you reach your weight loss goals
I discuss the power of your hormones when it comes to weight loss and how you can manipulate them to your advantage through certain types of foods and nutrients.  Ball State University researchers found that when strength training is combined with BCAA supplements that cortisol levels were reduced. 
This is powerful because when your cortisol levels are elevated these things below start to happen.
•    Your appetite increases
•    Fat storage increases
•    Protein stored in your muscle is broken down
•    Your insulin becomes more resistant
•    Your body uses glucose (sugar) less efficiently

High cortisol levels also lead to leptin resistance which when this happens the leptin resistance encourages higher cortisol levels. 
It becomes a vicious circle with weight gain being the result.
It is important that you feed your muscles the energy it needs because it can be challenging at times to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. 
Generally you have to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat so a calorie restricted diet is the method used. 
There is a fine line with this though because if you restrict too much your body will go into your existing muscle and break down the protein in them to use the branched chain amino acids for energy. 
The easiest way to prevent this is by supplying your body with a consistent infusion of new BCAAs. 
If you are in a calorie or energy deficit the BCAA supplement you take can supply your body with the energy it needs so that it does not have to go into the muscle and break it down to get to the BCAAs in your muscle.
This third reason is some very early science, but may be the most promising and powerful research with branched chain amino acids. 
There is something called nutrition partitioning that is very interesting and even mind boggling to some people. 
Nutrient partitioning allows your body to burn fat and build muscle at the same time.
 In relation to the BCAAs they take energy from the stored fat cells and provide it to the muscle to be used for new growth. 
There have been some studies done with mice at the University of Illinois showing these results and the researchers are giving credit to the BCAA leucine content of the diet as the reason for this result.
The research has shown us how beneficial BCAA supplementation can be with achieving weight loss and building lean muscle to speed up your metabolism, but how do you apply this to your daily routine 
It is actually simpler than you think.  Yes, you can try to eat lean protein foods, which you should be doing anyways, but 99% of you will not consume enough protein through food to get in the leucine, iso-leucine, and valine you need to see the benefits research has shown. 
This is where BCAA supplementation comes in to complement what you are already doing and providing a therapeutic dose that allows your body to achieve the research results explained above.

***How To Use Branched Chain Amino Acids
•Take 3-5 grams with Breakfast
•Take 3-5 grams before your workout
•Take 3-5 grams before bed

If you already consume a whey protein shake before your workout then you don¡¯t have to take the 3-5 grams of BCAAs before your workout.

###What is HCG

HCG is a glycoprotein hormone that Dr. Simeons discovered could help a patient shed pounds when taken with a specialized 500 calorie-per-day diet.
HCG has been shown to help correctly metabolize stored fat in a way that allows you to lose weight rapidly!
Whether taken by injection or by oral drops, the results are consistently the same.

The HCG Diet is the most effective diet available because with rapid weight loss you normally experience loss in muscle and not fat, which also causes you to feel hungry.
However, with the help of HCG, you will maintain your muscle mass and lose only stored fat, which will also dramatically reduce the feelings of hunger while on the diet. It really is the most effective way to lose weight!

**Benefits of the HCG Diet Program
You have probably heard about the amazing benefits of the HCG diet, or even know someone who has experienced amazing weight loss results from it. But, just in case you haven't, we have listed the most important benefits below.
•Dramatic results in the first week (5-10 lbs average)
•Reduced feelings of hunger
•Intense exercising is discouraged
•Lose pounds AND inches - lose fat in those "problem areas"
•Average weight loss of up to 1 to 2 lbs per day over the course of the diet
•Quick and easy recipes
•Re-sets your metabolism
•No Prescription Necessary
•Gain confidence and energy

###The Dr. Simeons Prototype Diet hCG: Lose A Pound A Day

You may have seen it advertised in various forms. This weight-loss program claims you can lose up to ¡°a pound a day¡± for 23 to 40 days. In my experience with many patients, it is true for more than 90 percent of them. Most lose from 25 to 35 pounds in just 40 days.

In most efforts encompassing diet and exercise, weight loss has been almost always only temporary. This includes the use of stimulant supplements, appetite-reducing drugs, laxatives and exercise. In all these methods, weight loss can be difficult, minimal and temporary. As soon as the treatment is discontinued, you gain back the weight you lost.

Simeons¡¯ method proved to be a breakthrough in weight-loss technology. He was able to pioneer a method using a rigidly defined dietary protocol (500 calories a day) in combination with injections of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). This is the hormone found in the urine of all women in their first trimester of pregnancy.

@@@Hormone Effect

When I first heard about Simeons¡¯ methods, I was doubtful like other physicians. Yet what I found in practice defied the skeptics, from the Food and Drug Administration to the other doctors who were unwilling to take a look. The weight comes off quickly because the daily hormone steals from storage fat and uses it as a source of calories. The storage fat areas shrink each day, and the patients feel good — without muscle wasting or that starvation sensation.

At the end of the 23 to 40 days, and after an additional three weeks of stabilization foods (no sugars, no starches), the patients effectively lost weight and down-regulated their set point, the level of weight at which their body tends to remain. In other words, weight loss holds quite well despite their return to normal caloric intake. It holds much better when patients consume predominately nutrient-rich and mostly raw whole foods.

Their success is even better if patients also use a method of cleansing and detoxification (liquid cleansing) and add nutritional supplementation. Simeons reported that in his one-, two- and five-year follow-up patient studies, 85 percent of the patients kept their weight off within 10 percent of their goal and nobody gained back all their weight. Those who did gain back more than 10 percent of their weight did so by eating unhealthy foods for quite a while.

@@@Fat Types

In his original manuscript, Pounds and Inches, a New Approach to Obesity, Simeons described three kinds of fat:

---Structural fat: Resembles packing material that surrounds internal organs, gives support to arteries, keeps skin smooth and taut and provides padding for bones around the body and under the bottoms of your feet.
---Reserve fat: Functions as fuel which your body can freely draw upon when nutrients in your blood stream fall low enough and your organs demand energy.
---Storage fat: Accumulates undesirably around the abdomen, hips, upper arms, buttocks, thighs and breasts.
Only storage fat creates unwanted pockets and the unsightly bulges of obesity. When obese people attempt to lose weight by starving themselves, they first lose reserve fat as fuel. When this is exhausted, they begin to burn up structural fat. Storage fat holds on.

Typically, when those who are obese restrict calories by starvation dieting, they feel famished and weak. They shrink in general; but their bellies, hips, buttocks, thighs and upper arms show little weight reduction. The fat covering the bones (structural fat) decreases, their skin wrinkles and they look old and haggard. This is in great contrast to the hCG protocol diet which works to use up storage fat. (And it really works.)

In next week¡¯s Easy Health Digest, I¡¯ll explain the detailed protocol of this weight loss method.

@@@How to do this protocol.
We suggest going to a Weight Loss Clinic that Specializes in the Dr. Simeons hCG Protocol.
This is where you will be supervised and monitored by experienced personnel Contact a hCG Clinic via internet, mail or phone and see if you can find one you like, as they can help! You will have many questions.
---Self-administration. This is by far the least expensive, but again you will have lots of questions.
So make sure you get your study the procedures carefully or use a site like this that is personally experienced with this protocol and can help you with most of your issues!
We have personally used this protocol and will help you the best we can via email or phone. 
We are not Doctors or healthcare professionals, but have used this protocol and will help you using our own personal experience.
You still need to do your own research! (We are compiling a Self-administration guide that will be released soon for $5.00

@@@HOW are you going to administer the hCG
1. Subcutaneous: (SQ-Subcutaneously just under skin-takes more hCG than Intermuscular, most sugesst 150-200 IU's)
Uses a 1ml syringe and a 1/2" needle, the same as diabetics use.  
Can be injected just under the skin into the layer of fat in the rump, thigh or stomach. 
2. Sub-lingual:   (SL-Sub-lingual under the tongue-takes the most, about (300IU) 150IU's twice a day)
Does not use a needle but is not in the Dr Simeons Protcol so you are on your own here. 
Many people have had success with this method.
Just drop a dose under the tongue first thing in the morning before you have any liquid in your mouth for about fifteen min. 
Do it again in the same way 12 hours later.
This can be a smaller dose but ends up being more each day than the normal doses for either SQ of IM
3. Intermusclular:  (IM-Intramuscular into the muscle-takes the least amount of hCG, around 125 IU's)
Uses a 1 1/2" long needle and is better absorbed than Subcutaneous.  This is what Dr. Simeons did in his protocol.
Inject in the arm or thigh deep and into the muscle. 
We used the Subcutaneous meathod so we will cover that very well.  If you choose one of the other methods, do your reasearch carefully.
@@@The following is for the Subcutaneous Method.
Quick Lesson on IU, CC and ml.
When you get your supplies, you will have to deal with many different measurments at the same time. 
The hCG comes in IU's (International Units) and you will take 125-200iu's of hCG daily. 
The Water comes in a 30cc bottle and the syringes come in 1ml. The CC's and the ml's are the same so 30 ml's = 30cc's
For Example:  30-1ml syringes from the 30cc bottle of Bacteriostatic Water 

@@@What is Your Dosage of hCG
Dr. Simeons protocol calls for 125 IU's intermusclular. 
Many people think if you do the Subcutaneous method, you should use closer to 200 IU's. 
Sub-Linqual even more!
So, are you ready, here we go.  You will need a calculator for this.
===Now, the 23 day Protocol is called that because you will inject 23 times, then stay on the VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) for 3 more days, a Total of 26 days.  
Based on 20 injections you Multiply the Daily IU's you want to use by 20 days. 
**Example #1:  125iu's daily times 20 days is 2500iu's of hCG.
**Example #2:  200iu's daily times 20 days is 4000iu's of hCG.
$$$23 Day Kit for 5000 IU Ampoules:
   What you get: 25--Luer-Lock Sterile Needle/Syringe Combos, 1--30cc sterile capped vial, 1--Large Syringe w/needle, 1--30cc vial of Bacteriostatic Water, 30--Alcohol Wipes. (HCG NOT included)
To stay at 200iu daily injections using the 5000iu ampoules you will have to do the following:
Withdraw 25 cc of Bacteriostatic Water for a concentration of 200 IU per 1cc  for 25 injections. 
You will only use 20 injections and throw the rest out. Or, if you need to lose more, you can continue for the full 25 days of injections and lose a few more pounds.
For those that would like to inject less volume but still stay at the full 200iu strength you can use less water.  See below.
Use 15 cc of Bacteriostatic Water with your 5000iu hCG ampuol and you will use only .75ml instead of the full 1ml in your syringe. 
15 divided by 20 is .75.    OK, you are ready to begin!
 $$$After your last injection, at the end of your protocol, stay on the VLCD(under 500Kcal/day) for 3 more days.
 If you do not, the hCG that is still in your system will react with the fats in the foods you eat, and you WILL gain weight.
Decide on the time of day to take your hCG.
I like the morning time, but whatever you choose do it as close as you can  to the same time each day! (This schedule can repeat after 6wks)

*** http://perfectskincenter.com/hcgdiet.htm http://thehcginstitute.com/about_hcg.html


 HCG PLUS African Mango increases success rate

Studies show a greatly improved success rate by including African Mango with the HCG diet protocol as below

¡á82% success rate – HCG Diet with African Mango
¡á63% success rate – HCG Diet per Dr Simeons
¡á12% success rate – Control group (placebo)
This was a double blind, placebo controlled experiment where 1 group was given a placebo, the second group given HCG diet drops, and the third group was given African Mango extract along with their HCG drops. All three groups attempted to stick to the same 500 calorie a diet, with the varying success noted above. According to the studies author



###PQQ-CoQ10 and PQQ Revitalize Energy and Slow Cellular Aging

By John Phillip on 05/17/2011 One of the hallmarks of aging is a rapid decline in cellular energy. Energy is produced by a complex of small powerhouses inside each cell known as mitochondria. Mitochondria are particularly vulnerable to the ravages of free radicals and oxidation from normal metabolic activity in our body and begin to deteriorate with advancing age.

Researchers have demonstrated that powerful antioxidant nutrients known to enhance energy production by supporting mitochondrial regeneration can slow aging, prevent disease and extend healthy lifespan.


@@@Mitochondrial Decline Leads to Chronic Disease Development

Mitochondrial degradation is directly related to loss of energy as we age. 95% of the mitochondria are damaged in a 90-year-old person compared with virtually no damage seen in pre-teens. Researchers are beginning to tie the development and progression of diseases such as Alzheimer`s disease, type II diabetes, heart failure and cancer to mitochondrial decline and failure.

Mitochondria contain their own DNA aside from the cell nucleus and remain relatively unprotected and extremely vulnerable to free radical damage. Over time the DNA sustains mutations that disable the energy producing capacity of the mitochondria. Many biologists now believe that the number of functioning mitochondria determine human longevity. The more functional mitochondria you have in your cells, the lower your risk of disease.


@@@PQQ Boosts Cellular Energy Production

PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinine) is a natural enzyme cofactor that is emerging as an essential compound capable of mitochondrial regeneration. The results of a study published in the Alternative Medicine Review demonstrate that PQQ is a powerful antioxidant with a 5,000 time greater capacity to quell free radical damage compared to vitamin C. This prevents damage to the delicate mitochondria and prevents functional decline that has been shown to initiate disease and energy decline.

Research recently published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry demonstrates how PQQ not only protects the integrity of existing mitochondria from oxidative damage, but also stimulates the growth of new mitochondria. Up until now only calorie restriction and vigorous exercise have been shown to exhibit these characteristics. This type of news should make headlines as it is an indicator that the aging process can be slowed. You won`t hear this information though because it relates to a natural substance that can`t be patented by Big Pharma.


@@@CoQ10 Works in Harmony with PQQ to Boost Energy Levels

CoQ10 has long been known to increase energy levels as it is an essential cofactor in the production of cellular energy known as ATP. PQQ and CoQ10 work together as a team to combat the effects of cognitive decline commonly seen in the elderly. PQQ stimulates the production and release of nerve growth factor in the brain that protects memory and learning. When both cofactors are present in the blood, tests of cognition are dramatically improved in aging subjects.

PQQ is naturally found in a variety of foods including leafy green vegetables, fruits, green tea and wine. Many people will need to supplement with the nutrient due to poor dietary habits. Ground breaking research provides evidence that this little known enzyme cofactor may hold the key to prevention of brain aging while improving cardiovascular health and longevity.


@@@Article References:
¡°Mitochondrial DNA and aging,¡± Clinical Science (2004) 107, 355–364
¡°Potential Physiological Importance of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone,¡± Alternative Medicine Review Volume 14, Number 3 2009
¡°Pyrroloquinoline quinone stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis through cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation and increased PGC-1alpha expression,¡± J Biol Chem. 2010 Jan 1;285(1):142-52. Epub 2009 Oct 27.
Biochemical Functions of Coenzyme Q10,¡± J Am Coll Nutr December 2001 vol. 20 no. 6 591-598
***LG»ý°ú, IVF-CÁÖ, 5000IU-5V-3909/V

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ÀÌÀü±Û : coconut oil-dementia