###Natural Cures For Acid Reflux71
The quest for natural cures for acid reflux is endless. GERD affects adults, children and babies in different ways. Some symptoms might be mild heartburn but other symptoms might be severe complications such continuous vomiting. Acid reflux is caused when foods and beverages don't settle in the stomach and as a result back up into the esophagus. A cure is possible for many people if they are able to control the underlying reasons for their acid reflux. Others might not be as fortunate and might require medication and maybe even surgery. If you are suffering from acid reflux and it occurs after eating certain foods then the best natural cure for acid reflux for situation might be to refrain from foods that cause the problem. Self control can go a long way to relieving many symptoms associated with disease. You can however try several home cures that might or might not alleviate your symptoms.
Apple cider vinegar has for generations been know as one of the best natural cures for acid reflux. If you want to try the apple cider vinegar treatment then add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water and drink this three times a day. You can make this vinegar solution stronger after heavy meals a cure acid reflux. Also eating apples on a daily basis also provide relief. Apples are actually very popular with people who suffer from acid reflux. Eating an apple after every meal is the way most people go about it. Orange peel extract is another natural cure for acid reflux. It is safe to eat and also effective. The dosage will vary but 1000 mg for three weeks with a dosage every other day is known to be effective. Ginger root is another natural ingredient worth trying. You can take ginger root in capsule form and they are available in many pharmacies and in most health food stores. Follow the instruction which will almost always be to take one capsule after dinner. Anise and Fennel tea are also very good in helping soothe the esophagus. Fennel helps suppress spasms, and by chewing on fennel seeds after meals you will prevent food and liquids from gushing out of your stomach and up to your esophagus. Whatever method you decide it is vital that you talk with your doctor first. This is important because your specific acid reflux condition might not be suitable for the natural cures for acid reflux that were mentioned in this hub. Natural cures for acid reflux disease are only effective when the complications are manageable. Especially for symptoms that are caused by the way we eat and what we eat. If your reflux acid is triggered after dinner then natural cures for acid reflux such as apple cider vinegar should be very helpful and could very well relieve you of all your symptoms.
@@@Vinegar Cure for Acid Reflux By Dave HuffmanPublished 03/28/2007HealthRating: Unrated Dave Huffman
View all articles by Dave Huffman Acid reflux is a painful and annoying condition that many people suffer from and can actually be a problem for years and years. Many people are diagnosed by their doctor and are given prescription medication or they take antacids with little or no relief. Acid reflux or acid indigestion is caused by too much acid in the stomach which is then pushed up into the throat causing a burning sensation and chest pains. There are many chemical treatments for acid reflux and even surgery, but something that many people overlook or have doubts about is herbal, home remedies like a vinegar cure for acid reflux. This cure is called Apple cider vinegar and has been used for centuries to cure a number of ailments like acne, allergies, burns, coughs, depression, blood pressure, aches, and gout among others. There are lots of people that have tried every treatment product on the market and then decided to use a vinegar cure for acid reflux. Many see results within a half an hour and claim to be cured after taking the vinegar cure for acid reflux twice a day. The apple cider vinegar is mixed with a glass of water and if you can manage to get past the taste you will be well on your way to curing a vast number of ailments. Many claim to have even gained a brighter complexion after using the vinegar cure for acid reflux for a period of time. The apple cider vinegar must be real though and you should take care when buying it to not get something that is not 100 percent apple cider vinegar. Vinegar cure for acid reflux is something that most people will find strange because you are actually adding more acid into your stomach. The natural remedy actually counter balances the excessive production of acid. The vinegar cure for acid reflux works in the same way that hair products work. If you have oily hair and use hair products for oily hair, you are actually trying to dry your hair out. This seems to make sense, but what you do not realize, is that drying your hair out only makes your scalp produce more oil to rehydrate it, which gives you oily hair again. People who want dry hair must use hair products for dry hair. The same goes for the vinegar cure for acid reflux. You must give your body acid to stop it producing acid. You stomach will usually produce more acid than it needs to fight off too much fatty foods that have been consumed as well as spicy foods, gas forming foods, and sometimes coffee or other strong drinks. You should keep a diary along with taking the vinegar cure for acid reflux to assess which foods and drinks cause you to get heartburn and which ones are worse than others. So, why not try the vinegar cure for acid reflux. It is cheap and easy to use and will also have other benefits besides the curing of the acid reflux, so you can now enjoy life again without worrying when you will feel this wave of pain coming along.
Millions of people in the United States suffer from acid reflux. It is often referred to as acid reflux disease, but technically this term is incorrect. Acid reflux results when the esophagus becomes irritated with stomach acids, primarily hydrochloric acid. As we age, the stomach becomes less efficient in its ability to digest protein, which contributes to this condition. If you have acid reflux, it¡¯s likely you turn to antacid tablets or prescription drugs, which can have side effects that rival the acid reflux condition in unpleasantness! You¡¯ll be happy to know there are several natural, safe and effective natural remedies for acid reflux which do not produce undesirable side effects.
Your doctor has probably recommended changes in your diet. It¡¯s a good idea to keep a log recording what you eat along with any symptoms which may develop following your meal. This helps you pinpoint foods and drinks which bring on attacks. Avoid fried, fatty and spicy foods, big meals, alcohol and caffeine, which are almost certain to bring on acid reflux symptoms. Chew your food well and go for several small meals. Include lots of green leafy vegetables and fruits.
Certain foods will serve you well as natural remedies for acid reflux. Bananas, apples, any type of melon, sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts are all highly nutritious and make for good small meals. Every acid reflux remedy regimen should include at least one fresh salad of mixed greens daily.
There are many herbs which are valuable natural remedies for acid reflux. Slippery elm was well known in Native American societies as a natural remedy for just about any digestive disorder. Slippery Elm is soothing to all of the mucous membranes, easing stomach upset and heartburn and has a healing effect on the tissues of the esophagus.
Other effective natural remedies for acid reflux include gentian root, fennel, ginger root, chamomile, catnip, angelica root and meadowsweet. Herbalists often recommend combining several such herbs to tone the digestive system. Consult with an herbalist to find a combination suited to your particular condition.
Another of the well known natural remedies for acid reflux is a tea made of one part each of anise, lavender and peppermint. Each of these herbs are strong digestive tonics. Lavender helps reduce acid in your stomach, while peppermint is particularly useful for heartburn and gas.
With age, protein becomes more difficult for our stomachs to digest and undigested protein plays a big role in acid reflux. Papaya contains papain, which is a digestive enzyme which is a powerful aid in the digestion of protein. Papain is available in tablets at the health food store. Taken with each meal, papain ensures digestion of proteins and is effective in natural remedies for acid reflux programs.
Among the natural acid reflux remedies, pineapple is an outstanding digestive powerhouse, aiding protein digestion with loads of bromelain, another digestive enzyme. Fresh pineapple is best. Like papain, bromelain is also available in tablet form and should be taken with each meal.
@@@Natural Cures For Acid Reflux - 14 Natural Tips For Acid Reflux Cure! --By Hunter Frederick
Acid reflux is a disease that brings discomfort to those who suffer from it. It can happen anytime during day or even at night. The pain is extremely irritating and it can last for few minutes to a very long time. There are many remedies available. Many people want only natural cures for acid reflux as it is safe and cheap. You should be very patient if you want to treat acid reflux naturally as it would take a considerable amount of time to see its effect on the disease.
The reason why we go for natural cures for this is to eliminate long term complications that can occur with other medicines, to reduce the medication cost, to protect our body from toxins and to make our body healthy. Some of the natural cures for acid reflux include:
1.Apple Cider Vinegar: Many people with acid reflux use this. For many people it has been effective. But it has a strong metallic taste, so one has to tolerate this taste. Add 2-3 spoons of apple cider vinegar with water and drink 3 times a day. 2.Chewing gum can be used to reduce heartburn as it is used to neutralize the acid in the body. 3.Some of the herbs that you can include with tea are peppermint, ginger. You can put them in tea and drink after eating meal which helps in proper digestion. 4.Ginger can also be used in the meals that help in proper digestion. 5.Avoid lying down after a meal and eating large amount of food. 6.Pineapple is an effective remedy for heartburn. It is rich in enzymes and helps in digestion. 7.Cinnamon acts as an effective antiseptic, if you chew one after having meals. 8.Aloe Vera juice can be used to get rid of heartburn. 9.It is good have plenty of water after a meal. 10.Drinking milk of raw coconut helps to reduce this condition. 11.Fruits like apple, bananas, pineapple and papaya are extremely good and they make digestion easy. 12.Consumption of carrot and cabbage can control the excess secretion of acid in the stomach. 13.Chicory can be used as a substitute for coffee. 14.Fresh garlic can be chewed everyday which makes the bowel free from pathogenic organisms.
Before you start with natural cure for heartburn you should consult with your doctor and make sure that you have been properly diagnosed with this condition to make the treatment more affective and safe. Also a good physician can help you with some natural remedies that work best for you.